some quick incredible test here that makes ppl anticipate the pleasure of discovering the blind spots of their own personality.
Subconscious is no longer a metaphysical concept blurry to define. It is not easy to swallow but with cleanmind is a trippy that guarantees a good trip ALWAYS. That way you benefit from it like a drug but without taking any substances no toxic to body, nerves and heart.
It is fun, instead of emotional eating, magic pills, scrolling, meanless wasted time in xyz cleanmind is a trip that you can always come back to in introspection and keep on track, update, understand what you feel, need, what are your cravings and for what reason.
Imagine what a different world we could live in if we could update our mind as quick as our apps and smartphones. This is the smartmind ungoing updating available. And this is what happens, the more you know, the more challenging it gets at high level mindset.
the thing that you would love to be doing as a creator and development something immersive and interesting. Always progressing and building a business online. The business would be partly coaching partly new investigations for cleanmind.
how to anounce promote and create content in social media.
Knowing a specific pain point that i am adressing to, in my case it would be caos, boredom, emptiness and emotional eating.
What would my content tell to people, what is going to be the message so they want to follow and see the impact?
Well, what would I want to hear, see, help with in a coach creator?
I would want someone to help me what to do that feels interesting and nice and what will become my business for life.
INTROSPECTIVE following the yesterdays topic. the adventure of self and subconscious. A trip. I can use my imagination and get specific of how i would love it to happen no matter how impossible it seems.